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Petteri Kivimäki


Petteri Kivimäki is the CTO of the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS). The NIIS is an association founded jointly by Finland and Estonia which mission is to develop e-governance solutions, kicking off with the X-Road technology. Before joining the NIIS, Petteri worked as a technology architect in a leading global professional services company. During years 2014–2017 Petteri worked at the Population Register Centre of Finland as an information systems manager. He was the technical lead of X-Road implementation project in Finland and was coordinating the joint open source development of the X-Road solution between Finland and Estonia.

Questo relatore nel programma congressuale

giovedì, 16 Maggio 2019


Dati pubblici come motore dell'economia digitale[co.07]

I dati degli enti pubblici costituiscono uno dei principali patrimoni digitali non solo della PA, ma dell’intero Paese. Per sfruttarne appieno le potenzialità, il Piano triennale ha individuato una serie di azioni finalizzate a superare la “logica a silos” in favore di una visione sistemica, volta a facilitare l’apertura e il riuso dei dati pubblici, assicurare l& [...segue]

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